A sparrow perched in a cherry tree.

Bird-Free Cherry Trees: Effective Protection Tips!

Tired of seeing your cherry tree raided by hungry birds? Fret not! Discover effective solutions in this guide. From nets to noise-makers, we’ll explore creative ways to safeguard your cherry bounty. Stick around for unexpected tips to keep your tree bird-free!

Why Birds Love Cherry Trees

Cherry trees are a favorite among birds because of the sweet, juicy treats they offer. Not only do birds love to eat cherries, but they also enjoy building nests in the branches of the tree. Unfortunately, this can cause a lot of destruction to the tree and can ruin your harvest.

A small brown bird perched in a cherry tree.
Photo by Klub Boks: https://www.pexels.com/photo/brown-bird-perched-on-a-branch-with-cherry-blossoms-6702877/

Types of Birds That Love Cheery Trees

Here are some common bird species that may be attracted to cherry trees:

Please note that the birds that visit cherry trees may vary depending on the location and the type of cherry tree.

How To Keep Birds Away From A Cherry Tree

In this section, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to keep birds away from a cherry tree. We have compiled a list of 8 effective steps that you can take to prevent birds from damaging your cherry tree and stealing your fruit.

Whether you’re dealing with robins, cedar waxwings, or any other bird species, these steps will help you protect your cherry tree and ensure a bountiful harvest.

By following these tips, you can enjoy the beauty and benefits of your cherry tree without having to share it with pesky birds.

Step 1: Protect the Tree with a Net

Protecting your cherry tree from birds doesn’t have to be difficult. One of the most effective strategies is to cover the tree with a net. 

Not only does a net provide an effective physical barrier, it also prevents birds from seeing the delicious cherries, so they won’t be tempted to eat them! 

Just be sure to choose a net that’s designed for use with fruit trees, and make sure it’s large enough to cover the entire tree. 

Once the net is in place, make sure to check it regularly for any rips or tears that could allow birds in. 

Taking these simple steps will go a long way towards preventing birds from ruining your cherry tree.

Effective in preventing birds from accessing the treeCan be unsightly and may affect the aesthetic appeal of the garden
Netting can be reused for multiple seasonsMay be difficult to install and remove, especially for large trees
Non-lethal and does not harm birdsMay not prevent birds from accessing other areas of the garden
A Black-capped Chickadee perched in a cherry tree, enjoying cherries.
Photo by Anna Kasin on Unsplash

Step 2: Install a Scarecrow

Installing a scarecrow is an age-old way to keep birds away from your cherry tree! When placed near the tree, the scarecrow’s presence will trick the birds into thinking there’s a predator nearby, discouraging them from coming close. 

Setting up a scarecrow is easy – you’ll just need to find a suitable spot near the tree and build a frame to hold it up. 

You can stuff the scarecrow with straw or old clothes, and add a hat, a mask, and any other accessories you might have on hand to make it look more intimidating. 

To prevent birds from getting accustomed to it, make sure to relocate the scarecrow frequently.

Can be effective in deterring birds from the areaMay require constant maintenance and upkeep
Inexpensive and easy to set upMay lose its effectiveness over time as birds become accustomed to it
Non-lethal and does not harm birdsMay not work for all bird species
Can add to the aesthetic appeal of the gardenCan be unsightly and may not be suitable for all gardens

Step 3: Use Fake Predators

If you’re looking for an easy way to keep birds away from your cherry tree, one of the most effective solutions is to use fake predators. 

Placing a few fake plastic owls or hawks around the tree can be a great deterrent, as birds are naturally afraid of predators. 

To prevent birds from getting accustomed to it, make sure to move the scarecrow regularly. You can also use a fake cat or dog to help scare away birds from your cherry tree.

Can be effective in deterring birds from the areaMay require constant maintenance and upkeep
Inexpensive and easy to set upMay lose its effectiveness over time as birds become accustomed to it
Non-lethal and does not harm birdsMay not work for all bird species
Can add to the aesthetic appeal of the gardenCan be unsightly and may not be suitable for all gardens

Step 4: Set Up Bird Feeders Away from the Tree

Setting up bird feeders away from your cherry tree is an effective way to keep birds away and protect your tree. All you need to do is place the feeders in a spot that’s far enough away from the tree, so the birds don’t associate it with the food. 

Not only will this keep birds away from your cherries, but it will also draw them away from the tree. You can hang the feeders from trees or poles, or get a ground feeder. 

Either way, make sure it’s far enough away from the tree that birds don’t make the connection. Once the birds start coming to the feeders, you’ll know you’ve done it right.

Provides an alternative food source for birdsMay not prevent birds from accessing the tree
Can be an effective distraction for birdsMay attract more birds to the area
Can add to the aesthetic appeal of the gardenMay require regular cleaning and maintenance
Can be a great way to attract different bird species to the gardenMay not work for all bird species

Step 5: Utilize Noise-Making Devices

When it comes to keeping birds away from your cherry tree, noise-making devices can be a great option. These devices usually emit loud, sudden noises that startle birds, making them fly away before they have time to settle in your tree. 

Some of the most popular noise-making devices are motion-activated bird scarers, which are essentially small boxes that detect motion and emit a loud sound when triggered. 

You can also try a variety of other devices, such as wind-activated chimes or reflective flash tape that produces a loud sound when the wind blows. 

These devices are relatively inexpensive and easy to install, and can be a great way to keep birds from ruining your cherry tree.

Can be effective in deterring birds from the areaMay not be suitable for all environments, especially residential areas
Can be non-lethal and does not harm birdsMay be disruptive to human neighbors or other animals
Can be an inexpensive solutionMay require constant maintenance and upkeep
Can be used in conjunction with other methods for increased effectivenessMay not work for all bird species
A blackbird perched in a cherry tree.
Photo by Takeshi Yu on Unsplash

Step 6: Spray the Tree with Repellent

Another method to keep birds away from your cherry tree is to spray the tree with repellent. Repellent is a substance that will make birds less likely to come near the tree.

It can come in the form of a spray or a granular product that you sprinkle around the base of the tree. The repellent will give off a smell or taste that birds find unappealing, which will make them want to stay away from the tree.

You can find a variety of different bird repellents at your local garden center or online. Make sure to follow the instructions carefully when applying the repellent, and be sure to reapply after it rains. 

With regular maintenance, this should help keep birds away from your cherry tree.

Can be effective in deterring birds from the areaMay be harmful to other wildlife and the environment
Non-lethal and does not harm birdsMay require regular reapplication
Can be used for multiple seasonsMay not work for all bird species
Can be a cost-effective solutionMay affect the aesthetic appeal of the garden

Here’s a simple natural, non-toxic recipe for a homemade bird repellent spray:


  • 1 tablespoon cayenne pepper
  • 1 tablespoon garlic powder
  • 1 tablespoon white vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon liquid dish soap
  • 4 cups water


  1. Mix the cayenne pepper and garlic powder in a bowl.
  2. Add the white vinegar and liquid dish soap to the bowl, and mix everything together.
  3. Add the mixture to a spray bottle.
  4. Fill the spray bottle with 4 cups of water, and shake well to mix everything together.
  5. Spray the mixture onto the leaves and branches of your cherry tree. Be sure to reapply after rain or as needed.

This homemade bird repellent recipe I provided is safe for birds. The ingredients are natural and non-toxic, and the strong scent and taste will simply discourage birds from eating or nesting in the treated area.

However, it is still important to apply the repellent only to areas where birds are not supposed to be, such as around windows or on ledges, rather than on bird feeders or nesting boxes.

It is also important to avoid spraying the repellent directly on birds or their food sources.

Note: While this recipe is safe for cherry trees, be sure to test a small area first to make sure it does not cause any damage. Additionally, avoid spraying the mixture on any flowers or plants that are beneficial to bees or other pollinators.

Step 7: Try Visual Deterrents

A great way to keep birds away from your cherry tree is to try visual deterrents. Visual deterrents are a great way to scare birds away from your tree, but they must be used correctly to be effective. 

Visual deterrents can include brightly colored streamers or flags, plastic owls, windmills, and other objects that can be moved and repositioned to create the illusion of movement.

These objects should be placed close to the tree and moved around often, so they can be seen as a threat by the birds. 

Additionally, reflective tape, balloons, and other reflective objects can work to scare birds away.

Can be effective in deterring birds from the areaMay require constant maintenance and upkeep
Can be non-lethal and does not harm birdsMay not work for all bird species
Can be an inexpensive solutionMay be unsightly and may not be suitable for all gardens
Can be used in conjunction with other methods for increased effectivenessMay lose its effectiveness over time as birds become accustomed to it

Step 8: Install Perches and Nesting Boxes Away from the Tree

One way to keep birds from ruining your cherry tree is to install perches and nesting boxes away from it. This can help draw birds away from the tree and give them a place to go instead. 

You can buy or build perches and nesting boxes and install them in other areas of your yard or garden, making sure to keep them far enough away from the tree so that birds will not be able to reach it. 

You can also hang birdhouses in the area to provide birds with an alternative to your cherry tree. By providing birds with other perching and nesting options, you can successfully keep them away from your tree.

Provides a designated area for birds to perchMay not be effective in deterring all bird species
Offers a nesting place for birdsMay attract more birds to the area
Keeps birds away from the porchInstallation and maintenance can be costly
Can enhance birdwatching opportunitiesSome homeowners may not want birds on their property

FAQs: How To Keep Birds Away From A Cherry Tree?

How can I keep birds away from my cherry tree without harming them?

There are several non-harmful ways to keep birds away from your cherry tree, such as using bird netting, decoys, reflective objects, or sound deterrents.

Will bird netting damage my cherry tree?

No, bird netting won’t harm your cherry tree if it’s properly installed and regularly maintained. It’s important to remove any fallen fruit and debris from the netting to prevent it from weighing down the branches.

How do I install bird netting on my cherry tree?

To install bird netting, drape the netting over the top of the cherry tree and secure it to the trunk or branches using zip ties or clips. Make sure the netting is taut and doesn’t sag or touch the fruit.

Can I use scarecrows to keep birds away from my cherry tree?

Yes, scarecrows can be an effective bird deterrent if they are moved around periodically and look realistic. However, they may not work on all bird species, especially if they are accustomed to human presence.

Will loud noises or flashing lights scare birds away from my cherry tree?

Yes, loud noises or flashing lights can startle birds and make them fly away. You can use devices such as speakers, alarms, or strobe lights to create a disruptive environment around your cherry tree.

Are there any natural predators that can keep birds away from my cherry tree?

Yes, birds of prey such as hawks, falcons, or owls can naturally scare away smaller birds from your cherry tree. However, it’s not recommended to attract or release predators in residential areas.

Can I use pepper spray or other irritants to repel birds from my cherry tree?

No, using pepper spray or other irritants on birds is illegal and can be harmful to both the birds and the environment. It’s important to use humane methods to keep birds away from your cherry tree.

How often should I check and maintain my bird deterrents?

You should check and maintain your bird deterrents regularly, especially during fruiting season. Remove any fallen fruit or debris that may attract birds, and adjust the positioning or intensity of your deterrents as needed.

Are there any bird species that are protected and cannot be deterred from my cherry tree?

Yes, some bird species are protected under federal or state laws and cannot be harmed or disturbed. It’s important to identify the bird species in your area and consult with local wildlife authorities before using any bird deterrent methods.

Can I harvest my cherry tree while using bird deterrents?

Yes, you can still harvest your cherry tree while using bird deterrents, but you should be careful not to damage the netting or scare away birds while picking the fruit. It’s best to harvest the fruit when it’s fully ripe and easy to detach from the stem.


In conclusion, protecting your cherry tree from birds is possible. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can successfully keep birds away from your cherry tree. Start by understanding why birds love cherry trees in the first place. 

Then, use a combination of netting, scarecrows, fake predators, bird feeders, noise-making devices, repellent, visual deterrents, and perches and nesting boxes to create an environment where birds are less likely to congregate. 

With the right strategies in place, you can keep birds away from your cherry tree and enjoy the fruits of your labor.


  • Vince S

    Meet Vince, the passionate founder and author of Learn Bird Watching, boasting 30 years of birding experience. With an unwavering mission to empower fellow bird enthusiasts, Vince shares invaluable wisdom and guidance. As a dedicated moderator and contributor to Quora's Bird Watchers' Club, he actively engages with the birding community, where his insightful answers have garnered over 571,082 views and over 2,725 upvotes. Whether you're a budding birder or a seasoned avian aficionado, his wealth of knowledge is at your service.

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