A bunch of sparrows on a porch.

How to Keep Birds Off Your Porch in a Humane Way

Are you tired of your porch being overrun by pesky birds? Look no further! In this article, we’ll share practical tips and tricks on how to keep birds off your porch.

From installing netting to using scare devices, we’ve got you covered. Keep reading to find out how to reclaim your porch and enjoy a bird-free outdoor space.

Common Porch-Visiting Bird Species

In this section, we will discuss the most common bird species that visit porches and the reasons why they do so. Understanding these reasons can help you develop effective strategies to keep these birds from causing damage or becoming a nuisance on your porch.

Here is a list of some common birds that may come onto your porch:

Common Reasons for Birds to Visit Porches

Birds can be attracted to your porch for a variety of reasons. Some birds may be drawn to your porch for shelter or to look for food. Other birds may be drawn to your porch because it provides a safe place to nest or roost. 

It can be helpful to understand why birds are attracted to your porch in the first place in order to determine how to best keep them away.

Look for signs of birds such as feathers, droppings, or nests to help identify what kind of bird is visiting your porch and why. 

If you can identify the cause, you can better determine how to keep them away in a humane way.

Bird SpeciesReasons for Coming Onto Porches
PigeonsRoosting, nesting, foraging
SparrowsNesting, foraging, shelter
SwallowsNesting, foraging, shelter
RobinsForaging, nesting
Blue JaysForaging, shelter
WoodpeckersForaging, nesting
CardinalsForaging, nesting
ChickadeesForaging, nesting, shelter

How to Keep Birds Off Your Porch?

If you’re looking for ways to keep birds off your porch, here are some effective and humane tips to help prevent unwanted visitors from nesting or roosting.

Cover Porch Windows and Doors

Covering windows and doors can be an effective way to keep birds away from your porch. It helps to block the birds’ view of the porch, so they don’t see it as a place to land or seek shelter. 

You can use window screens or plastic sheeting to cover windows and doors. Make sure to secure the sheeting with tape or other fasteners so that it doesn’t come loose in a wind. 

Additionally, you can add a light-blocking curtain or blinds over the windows and doors to further discourage birds from entering your porch. 

Covering windows and doors is an easy, humane way to keep birds away.

Prevents birds from entering the porchReduces natural light and view
Provides privacyBlocks airflow
Reduces noiseMay require professional installation
Helps to insulate the porchMay not be aesthetically pleasing

Install Netting or Screening

Installing netting or screening is an effective way to keep birds away from your porch in a humane way. Netting or screening can be secured to the porch frame to create a physical barrier that birds won’t be able to penetrate.

It’s best to use netting or screening that is specifically designed to keep birds away. It works by making it hard for birds to land on the porch and making it difficult for them to perch. 

The netting or screening should be installed securely, so it doesn’t flap in the wind and scare away the birds. 

If you’re not able to install netting or screening yourself, you should hire a professional for the job. Installing netting or screening is an effective and humane way to keep birds away from your porch.

Here are the steps to install netting or screening to keep birds off your porch:

  1. Measure the area: Measure the length and width of the porch where you want to install the netting or screening. This will give you an estimate of the amount of material you’ll require.
  2. Choose the material: There are many materials you can use for bird netting or screening, including plastic, nylon, or metal. Select the material that is most suitable for your requirements and fits within your budget.
  3. Install brackets or hooks: You’ll need to install brackets or hooks around the perimeter of the porch to attach the netting or screening to. Ensure that they are firmly attached and spaced evenly.
  4. Cut the material: Cut the netting or screening to the appropriate size based on your measurements, leaving a few extra inches on each side.
  5. Attach the netting or screening: Starting at one corner, attach the netting or screening to the brackets or hooks using zip ties or twine. Make sure it is taut and securely fastened to prevent birds from getting in.
  6. Trim any excess material: Once the netting or screening is attached, trim any excess material with scissors or a utility knife.
  7. Inspect and maintain: Regularly inspect the netting or screening for any damage or holes, and repair or replace as needed. Also, keep the area around the porch free of bird food or other attractants to discourage birds from trying to get in.

By following these steps, you should be able to install netting or screening to keep birds off your porch.

Prevents birds from entering the porchMay obstruct view
Allows natural light and airflowRequires regular cleaning
Does not interfere with the aesthetics of the porchMay need to be replaced periodically
Easy to installCan be damaged by weather or pests

Place Reflective Objects on Your Porch

One way to keep birds away from your porch in a humane way is to place reflective objects such as aluminum foil strips or CDs on your porch. 

The reflection created by these objects will scare the birds away. Aluminum foil strips can be tied to the porch posts or strung between them to create a reflective barrier. 

CDs can be tied or hung with string so that they can spin freely and create a dazzling reflection that will startle the birds. 

Ensure that the objects are placed in areas where the birds are likely to land or perch. These reflective objects are a great way to keep birds away without having to harm them.

Effective in deterring birdsMay require frequent cleaning
InexpensiveMay not be aesthetically pleasing
Can be decorativeMay not be effective in all situations
Reflective objects can be moved around easilyMay be less effective in bright sunlight
A Common Starling perched on a tree.
Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Hang Bird Feeders

Hanging bird feeders on your porch can be a great way to attract birds away from your porch and keep them from bothering you. It’s important to understand the pros and cons of this before you get started. 

On the one hand, it’s a great way to attract birds away from your porch and provide them with food so that they don’t have to search for it. On the other hand, it can attract even more birds to your porch if you’re not careful. 

If you decide to hang bird feeders, make sure you keep them away from your porch to avoid attracting more birds to the area.

Provides birds with an alternative food sourceCan attract more birds to the porch
May deter birds from seeking food elsewhereCan be messy
Can be aesthetically pleasingMay require regular cleaning and refilling
Can be educational and enjoyable to watchMay not be effective for all species of birds

Use Scare Devices

Scare devices are an effective way to keep birds away from your porch in a humane way. Fake owls and snakes can be used to scare away birds and other pesky animals. 

Fake owls are a great deterrent because birds are naturally scared of owls, and the fake owls look almost identical to the real thing. 

Fake snakes can also be used as a deterrent. When placed on the porch, birds are likely to be scared away by the fake snakes. 

It’s important to remember that these scare devices should only be used as a last resort, and should never be placed too close to the birds’ nests or other habitats.

Can be effective in deterring birdsMay not be aesthetically pleasing
Many types to choose fromMay require frequent maintenance or replacement
Can be moved around easilyMay not be effective in all situations
Some types can also deter other pestsMay not be effective for all species of birds

Plant Bird Deterrents

Planting bird deterrents is a great way to keep birds away from your porch in a humane way. Plants like lavender and marigolds can be used to repel birds, as their strong scents can be unpleasant to birds. 

Additionally, the bright colors of the flowers can act as a visual deterrent, as they can make birds more aware of their presence. To use these plants as a deterrent, try planting them around the perimeter of your porch or balcony, or even in pots near entrances. 

You can also purchase bird-repellent sprays containing lavender and marigold oil, and spray them around your porch to help keep birds away.

Can be effective in deterring birdsCan be expensive to install and maintain
Can also add to the aesthetics of the porchMay require professional installation
Can provide additional benefits, such as shade or privacyMay take time to grow and become effective
Can attract other wildlifeMay not be effective for all species of birds

Use Sound Deterrents

Using sound deterrents can be a great way to keep birds away from your porch. Ultrasonic bird repellents are one type of sound deterrent that you can use to keep birds away. 

These repellents work by emitting high frequency sound waves that are inaudible to humans, but audible to birds. 

The sound waves are designed to be irritating to birds, discouraging them from entering the area. These repellents come in the form of speakers, which you can place around the perimeter of your porch. 

You can either power them using batteries or connect them to an electrical outlet. Some models even have motion sensors so that they only activate when birds are present. 

Using ultrasonic bird repellents is a humane way to keep birds away from your porch, and can be an effective solution for keeping birds away.

Can be effective in deterring birdsMay be loud and disruptive to humans
Can be easily installedMay not be effective in all situations
Some types can also deter other pestsMay require electricity or batteries
Can be moved around easilyMay not be effective for all species of birds
A House Sparrow perched on a ledge of a porch.
Photo by Hrushik Perumalla: https://www.pexels.com/photo/close-up-of-sparrows-on-a-concrete-wall-15096773/

FAQs: How to Keep Birds Off Your Porch?

Why do birds keep coming to my porch?

Birds may be attracted to your porch because of food, water, or shelter. Porches provide a comfortable roosting spot, especially during cold weather.

What can I use to keep birds off my porch?

You can use visual and audio deterrents such as reflective surfaces, fake predators, and wind chimes. Physical barriers like netting and spikes can also be effective.

Is it safe to use bird repellent sprays?

Bird repellent sprays can be effective, but they may contain harmful chemicals that can harm both birds and humans. It’s best to use non-toxic alternatives such as citrus sprays.

How often do I need to apply bird repellents?

The frequency of applying bird repellents depends on the type of product used. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions and reapply as necessary.

Will bird feeders attract more birds to my porch?

Bird feeders can attract more birds to your porch, so it’s best to place them away from the porch. If you want to feed birds, choose a location that’s not near your porch.

How can I make my porch less attractive to birds?

Removing food sources, trimming nearby trees and bushes, and installing bird spikes or netting can make your porch less attractive to birds.

Do scarecrows work to keep birds off my porch?

Scarecrows can be effective at deterring some birds, but others may get used to them over time. To increase their effectiveness, move them around regularly.

What are the best visual deterrents for birds?

Visual deterrents such as shiny objects, reflective surfaces, and predator decoys are effective at deterring birds. Change them up occasionally to increase their effectiveness.

Can I use ultrasonic devices to repel birds?

Ultrasonic devices may work to repel some birds, but their effectiveness varies. Some birds may get used to the sound, while others may not be affected at all.

Are there any natural remedies to keep birds off my porch?

Natural remedies such as citrus sprays, hot pepper wax, and essential oils can be effective at deterring birds. However, they may need to be reapplied more frequently than other deterrents.

A Western Jackdaw perched on a porch railing.
Photo by Lisette Harzing: https://www.pexels.com/photo/close-up-shot-of-western-jackdaw-12446986/


In conclusion, keeping birds away from your porch in a humane way doesn’t have to be a difficult task. By understanding why the birds are there in the first place, you can better equip yourself to keep them away. 

Covering porch windows and doors, installing netting or screening, placing reflective objects, hanging bird feeders, using scare devices, planting bird deterrents, and using sound deterrents can all be effective ways to keep birds away from your porch. 

With a bit of planning and the right tools, you can humanely keep birds away from your porch and enjoy the peace and quiet of your outdoor space.


  • Vince S

    Meet Vince, the passionate founder and author of Learn Bird Watching, boasting 30 years of birding experience. With an unwavering mission to empower fellow bird enthusiasts, Vince shares invaluable wisdom and guidance. As a dedicated moderator and contributor to Quora's Bird Watchers' Club, he actively engages with the birding community, where his insightful answers have garnered over 440,000 views and over 2,670 upvotes. Whether you're a budding birder or a seasoned avian aficionado, his wealth of knowledge is at your service.

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