Birds with black and blue plumage are a familiar sight, but distinguishing between them can be confusing. It’s important to recognize these color variations, as they can differ greatly among various bird species.
In this article, we’ll explore the most common birds that are black and blue, providing detailed insights into their appearances and habitats. Our aim is to make it easier for you to differentiate and identify these avian species.
Table of Contents
- 1 Types of Birds That Are Black And Blue
- 2 FAQs
- 2.1 What is a black and blue bird?
- 2.2 Can you tell me about a blue bird with black wings?
- 2.3 What bird is black with blue wings?
- 2.4 Describe a blue bird with a black head.
- 2.5 Are there any small dark blue birds that are blue and black?
- 2.6 Name a dark blue small bird.
- 2.7 What is a small blue bird with black wings?
- 2.8 Describe a small black and blue bird.
- 2.9 What bird is black with a blue tint?
- 2.10 Describe a black bird with blue feathers.
- 2.11 What bird is black with a blue belly?
- 3 Author
Types of Birds That Are Black And Blue
Purple Martin

The Purple Martin is an attractive bird, that is native to North America. This stunning bird has dark blackish-blue feathers with an iridescent luster, which makes it look like a jewel when it catches the light.
They average about 20 cm (7.9 in) long and have a slender body with long wings that are perfect for catching insects. Purple Martins breed mainly in eastern North America and migrate to Mexico during winter months to escape cold weather.
Steller’s Jay

The Steller’s Jay is one of the most beautiful birds in the world. It is native to Western North America and is found in coniferous and coniferous-deciduous forests. The jay has blue plumage throughout but has a black head, crest, and upper body.
They have an average size of 13 inches long from the top of their head to the tip of their tail. The Steller’s Jay usually feeds on nuts, seeds, and berries that are found in trees or shrubs. They will also eat insects and spiders if they come across them while feeding.
Common Grackle

The Common Grackle is a large black bird that can be found throughout North America. They are not considered to be rare, but they are still interesting. Common Grackles are usually about 12 inches long and have an iridescence black and blue sheen on their body, head and upperparts.
The males have more of this sheen than the females do. This species of grackle can be seen in backyards, urban areas, or rural areas where they will feed on seeds, insects, sometimes small mammals.
Indigo Bunting

The Indigo Bunting is a small, blue bird that can be found in the Eastern United States. They breed in brushlands, forests, and woodland edges and are mainly blue with some gray to black on their wings.
The average size of an Indigo Bunting is 4.5-5 inches long from head to tail, and they weigh between 3-6 ounces. These birds can often be seen throughout the eastern North America during spring migration and will winter either in Florida or South America.
Black-throated Blue Warbler

The Black-throated Blue Warbler is a species of songbird that breeds in eastern North America. They migrate to the Caribbean, Central America. They are blue on top and white underneath with black on the throat, face, and sides.
Their average length is 4.3-5.1 inches long. Their habitat is deciduous and mixed-deciduous forests, where they feed mainly on insects but sometimes fruit as well when it’s available for them to eat.
Black-billed Magpie

The Black-billed Magpie is a bird that lives in the Western part of North America, from Alaska to Mexico.. It can be found throughout this area, as it inhabits open woodlands, riparian thickets, fields and yards.
The size of the magpie ranges from 18 to 24 inches long. This species has black and white feathers with blue-green iridescent shimmer on its wings and tail feathers. The diet consists mainly of insects, grains and fruit.
Tree Swallow

Tree Swallows are small, blue birds that can be found all over North America. They have deep-blue iridescent backs and white bellies, with blackish flight feathers and a black mask. The average length of these birds is 5-6″ inches.
Tree Swallows enjoy eating insects, berries and fruit, but they also drink water droplets from leaves and branches in order to keep themselves hydrated on hot days or when food sources are scarce.
Blue Grosbeak

The Blue Grosbeak is a small songbird that can be found throughout forest and shrub land across Southern and Central United States, as well as South America. They have deep blue feathers with black mask, reddish-brown wing bars with some black streaks, and a black/silver beak.
Their average length is 5.5 to 7.5″ inches long, which includes their tail feathers that are approximately 3 to 4″ inches long. Blue Grosbeaks feed on insects, seeds, grain or fruit.
Western Jackdaw

The Western Jackdaw is the most sociable bird in Europe. It is a medium-sized passerine bird with an average length for this species is 13-15″ inches. It can be found across Europe, western Asia and North Africa. Their preferred habitat are pastures, coastal cliffs, and towns.
The Western Jackdaw’s plumage is mostly black, with blue and purple on its crown, wings and tail. They feed on insects, snails, small rodents, carrion (dead animals) as well as human food scraps from trash cans. These birds are commonly seen scavenging for food around people’s homes.
European Starling

The European Starling is a common bird found worldwide. It has iridescent black plumage with a metallic blue purple sheen and average size of 8-9″ inches in length. They are native to Europe but have been introduced all over the world due to their high adaptability.
They can be found around towns, cities, parks, yards and fields. The European Starlings feed on insects, berries and fruit and nest either on the ground or in trees.
Brown-headed Cowbird

The Brown-headed Cowbird is the newest ‘neighbor’ in your yard. If you have a garden, feeder, or birdbath in your yard, it’s likely that the Brown-headed Cowbird has found its way to your property. Native to North America, and common in yards, fields, pastures, meadows, forest edges.
It has an iridescent black/blue color throughout, with a brown head. Average length is about 6-9″ inches. Feed mostly on seeds, grasses, weeds, crop grains and insects. This bird has been spotted all over North America for centuries now, and many people enjoy watching them.
Splendid Fairywren
The Splendid Fairywren, also known as the blue wren, is a tiny bird native to Australia that exudes a vibrant and unique beauty. The males boast a striking cobalt blue plumage that shimmers in the sunlight, contrasted by their inky black tail feathers. Their vivid coloring and energetic movements make them a joy to watch.
Females, on the other hand, have a more understated brown plumage, but are no less enchanting. These fairywrens are known for their social and cooperative behavior, living in family groups where all members help raise and defend their young. It’s truly a delight to witness these charming and sociable birds in action.
Shining Honeycreeper

The Shining Honeycreeper is a true spectacle of the avian world, mesmerizing onlookers with its resplendent and colorful features. Sporting a stunning blue-green coat, bold black wings, and a vibrant yellow beak, this tropical beauty is a feast for the senses. Birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts are often lured by its magnificence and rare appearance.
As it gracefully flits and glides through the lush rainforest foliage, the Shining Honeycreeper shines like a precious gem, lighting up the sky with its iridescence. There’s no doubt that this wonder of nature truly lives up to its illustrious name.
Bee Hummingbird

The Bee Hummingbird (Mellisuga helenae) is the smallest bird in the world, measuring only 5 cm long. Found in Cuba and the Isle of Youth, it weighs less than 2 grams and can flap its wings up to 80 times per second. It has a greenish-blue upper body with hints of black and pale gray lower parts, with black feathers on its back.
This species feeds on nectar from flowers and occasionally small insects. Its long, thin bill helps it to reach nectar deep within certain types of blossoms. During mating season, males display their beautiful colors to attract females by performing courtship flights and singing loud chirps. They are solitary birds that live in open woodlands, meadows, gardens and parks where they can find enough food resources.
What is a black and blue bird?
A black and blue bird often refers to the Steller’s Jay. These birds have striking blue plumage with a distinctive black head and crest. They are commonly found in coniferous forests in western North America.
Can you tell me about a blue bird with black wings?
A blue bird with black wings is typically the Blue Jay. These birds have bright blue feathers on their bodies and wings with distinct black markings. Blue Jays are known for their intelligence and love for acorns and seeds.
What bird is black with blue wings?
The Black-crowned Night Heron is a bird that has a blackish-blue plumage with blue-tinted wings. They are wading birds often found near wetlands and water bodies.
Describe a blue bird with a black head.
A blue bird with a black head is likely the Steller’s Jay. These birds have vibrant blue plumage and a clearly defined black head and crest. They are common in coniferous forests in western North America.
Are there any small dark blue birds that are blue and black?
Yes, birds like the Indigo Bunting fit this description. They are small songbirds with deep blue plumage and black markings on their wings and body.
Name a dark blue small bird.
The Indigo Bunting is a small bird with rich, dark blue plumage. They are often found in grassy and shrubby areas in eastern North America.
What is a small blue bird with black wings?
A small blue bird with black wings is the Eastern Bluebird. These birds have bright blue plumage with a rusty-red or brownish breast, often with black markings on their wings.
Describe a small black and blue bird.
A small black and blue bird could be the Black-capped Chickadee. They have a black cap and bib, with bluish-gray wings and a pale belly. These social birds are commonly seen in backyards and woodlands.
What bird is black with a blue tint?
A bird with black plumage and a blue tint is the Black-crowned Night Heron. Their feathers appear blackish-blue with a bluish tint, and they are often found near wetlands and water bodies.
Describe a black bird with blue feathers.
The Common Grackle is a black bird with iridescent blue or purplish-blue feathers, particularly visible in sunlight. They are often found in a variety of habitats, including open fields and wetlands.
What bird is black with a blue belly?
The Tree Swallow is a bird that has blackish-blue upperparts and a bright, glossy blue belly. They are commonly found near water bodies and open fields.