A Eurasian Eagle Owl with piercing red eyes.

Owl Symbolism: Uncover It’s Meaning & Origins!

Hoo-hoo goes there? It’s time to take a closer look at one of the most mysterious creatures in the animal kingdom: the owl. Whether you think they’re wise or creepy, there’s no denying that owls have captured our imaginations for centuries.

But what does owl symbolism really mean? From ancient myths to modern interpretations, we’ll explore the hidden meanings behind these fascinating creatures.

So, what’s the short answer? Owl symbolism is all about wisdom, protection, and intuition. Ready to learn more? Let’s dive in!

Table of Contents

What is an Owl?

Owls are nocturnal birds of prey that are known for their keen senses, sharp talons, and unique features such as their forward-facing eyes and ability to turn their heads 270 degrees. These fascinating creatures have long been revered in many cultures and are a symbol of wisdom, courage, and protection.

An owl perched in a tree during daytime.
Photo by Henry Dinardo on Unsplash

Why Study Owl Symbolism?

Exploring owl symbolism can provide insight into the cultural and spiritual significance of these birds throughout history. By examining their meanings in different cultures and religions, we can gain a deeper understanding of their symbolism and appreciate the wisdom and power they represent.

Additionally, studying owl symbolism can help us connect with our intuition, navigate life’s challenges, and embrace the changes and new beginnings that come our way. Join us as we dive into the captivating world of owl symbolism.

Read more: Ultimate Bird Symbolism Guide: 20 Birds & Hidden Meanings

What Does an Owl Symbolize?

Owls are often seen as wise creatures, but they also hold a deep symbolic meaning. Here are some of the key things that an owl symbolizes:

What Does an Owl Symbolize?

Owls are often seen as wise creatures, but they also hold a deep symbolic meaning. Here are some of the key things that an owl symbolizes:

Independent Thinking

Owls are often associated with independent thinking because of their ability to hunt and survive on their own. As nocturnal creatures, they are able to navigate the darkness and find their prey using their keen senses.

In many cultures, the owl is seen as a symbol of individualism and self-reliance, encouraging people to think for themselves and not simply follow the crowd.

Withstand the Mob Mentality

In addition to independent thinking, owls also symbolize the ability to withstand the mob mentality. They are able to hunt and live alone, even when surrounded by other animals.

This trait is often admired in humans as well, as it takes courage to stand up for what you believe in, especially when it goes against popular opinion.

Stay True to Yourself and Your Ideas

Owls also symbolize the importance of staying true to yourself and your ideas. They are often seen as wise creatures who have the ability to see beyond what is on the surface.

By trusting in your own intuition and knowledge, you can make decisions that are true to your values and beliefs, even if they are unpopular.

Seize Opportunities

Finally, owls symbolize the importance of seizing opportunities. As skilled hunters, they are always on the lookout for their next prey.

In human terms, this can mean being open to new ideas and experiences, and taking advantage of opportunities when they arise. By being alert and proactive, you can achieve your goals and live a fulfilling life.

A small owl with orange eyes and ear tufts.
Photo by Harm Weustink on Unsplash

Owl Symbolism and Your Home Life

Too Much Energy on Your Home?

Owls are nocturnal creatures that represent wisdom, courage, and protection. But did you know that they can also help with your home life? If you feel like there’s too much energy in your home, an owl symbol might be just what you need to bring balance and harmony.

Reaffirm Your Boundaries

If you’re struggling to set boundaries with loved ones or roommates, the owl can give you the courage to assert yourself. The owl symbolizes courage, strength, and protection, and can help you stand up for yourself and your space.

Place Family and Friends First

The owl can also help you prioritize your relationships. If you’re feeling disconnected from loved ones or overwhelmed by too many social obligations, meditating on the owl symbol can help you focus on the relationships that matter most.

Whether you’re looking to create a more peaceful home environment or strengthen your relationships, the owl symbol can provide guidance and support. Embrace the wisdom and courage of the owl to bring balance and harmony into your life.

Owl Symbolism and Your Home LifeMeaning
Too Much Energy on Your Home?Owls are nocturnal creatures that represent wisdom, courage, and protection. But did you know that they can also help with your home life? If you feel like there’s too much energy in your home, an owl symbol might be just what you need to bring balance and harmony.
Reaffirm Your BoundariesIf you’re struggling to set boundaries with loved ones or roommates, the owl can give you the courage to assert yourself. The owl symbolizes courage, strength, and protection, and can help you stand up for yourself and your space.
Place Family and Friends FirstThe owl can also help you prioritize your relationships. If you’re feeling disconnected from loved ones or overwhelmed by too many social obligations, meditating on the owl symbol can help you focus on the relationships that matter most.
Embrace the Wisdom of the OwlWhether you’re looking to create a more peaceful home environment or strengthen your relationships, the owl symbol can provide guidance and support. Embrace the wisdom and courage of the owl to bring balance and harmony into your life.

Owl Symbolism: Courage and Protection

One of the many symbols associated with owls is courage and protection. Owls are seen as guardians and protectors, which is why they are often depicted in art and literature as being wise and strong.

Prioritize Loved Ones First

If you are feeling lost or uncertain about the direction of your life, an owl may appear to help guide you on the right path. They may symbolize the need to put those near and dear to you first and make sure they are safe and protected.

Reaffirm Your Boundaries

In addition to protection, owls can also symbolize courage. If you are struggling with standing up for yourself and setting boundaries, an owl may appear to remind you to be strong and assertive. Reaffirm your boundaries and don’t be afraid to speak up for what you believe in.

An owl with ear tufts.
Photo by Kvnga on Unsplash

Owl Symbolism : Wisdom

Nighttime Vision

Owls are nocturnal creatures, and their ability to see in the dark is unmatched. This makes them powerful symbols of vision and clarity, especially when it comes to seeing through deception and illusion.

Ability to See 270 Degrees

Owls have large, forward-facing eyes that give them incredible peripheral vision. They can see up to 270 degrees, which means they can see almost everything around them without having to move their heads. This ability symbolizes the importance of being aware of your surroundings and considering multiple perspectives.

Seeing from All Perspectives

Because of their ability to see from all angles, owls are seen as symbols of wisdom and the importance of considering different viewpoints. This wisdom is especially valuable when making important decisions that require careful consideration and a broad perspective.

Skilled Hunters

Owls are skilled hunters, able to swoop down silently and capture prey with precision. This hunting ability is seen as a symbol of intelligence, strategy, and the ability to navigate through difficult situations.

Powerful Memories

Owls have excellent memories and can remember individual voices and faces for years. This symbolizes the importance of learning from past experiences and using that knowledge to make better decisions in the future.

Your Unique Aptitudes

Just as owls have unique abilities and strengths, we all have our own unique talents and skills. Owl symbolism reminds us to embrace our individual strengths and use them to our advantage.

Observant Listening

Owls are known for their keen sense of hearing and their ability to listen carefully for the slightest sounds. This skill symbolizes the importance of attentive listening, especially in communication with others.

The All-Too Rare Skill of Listening

In a world full of distractions and noise, the ability to truly listen is a rare and valuable skill. Owl symbolism reminds us to practice active listening, to hear and understand others, and to learn from their experiences and perspectives.

An owl perched in a tree.
Photo by Jens Frank Jakob on Unsplash

Owl Mythology & Folklore

Greek Owl Meaning

The Greeks associated owls with Athena, the goddess of wisdom, and believed they represented knowledge and prophecy. Owls were often depicted on Greek coins, pottery, and other objects.

The Owl as a Symbol of Protection

Many cultures, including ancient Rome, believed that owls were symbols of protection. Owls were placed on roofs or in homes to ward off evil spirits or bad luck.

Owl Symbolism in Ancient Rome

In ancient Rome, owls were associated with the goddess Minerva, who was also the goddess of wisdom. Romans believed that owls were wise and had the ability to see in the dark, making them a symbol of knowledge and enlightenment.

Owl Meaning in the Bible

In the Bible, owls are mentioned several times as symbols of desolation, loneliness, and darkness. They are also associated with the wilderness and destruction.

Symbols of Loneliness

Owls have been associated with loneliness in many cultures. This is because they are solitary creatures that are often active at night, which can be a lonely time for humans.

African Owl Symbolism

In African cultures, owls are often associated with witchcraft and sorcery. They are also seen as messengers from the spirit world and symbols of wisdom and intelligence.

Celtic Owl Meaning

Celtic cultures believed that owls were guardians of the underworld and had the ability to communicate with the dead. They were also associated with wisdom and were often depicted in Celtic art.


In Welsh mythology, Blodeuwedd was a woman who was turned into an owl as punishment for betraying her husband. Owls are also associated with the Welsh goddess Arianrhod.

Native American Owl Meaning

In Native American cultures, owls are often seen as messengers and symbols of wisdom. Different tribes have different meanings and associations with owls, with some seeing them as protectors and others as tricksters.


Owls have been associated with shapeshifting in many cultures. Some believed that owls could transform into humans or other animals, while others believed that humans could transform into owls.

Owl Clans

In some Native American tribes, owls are associated with specific clans or groups. Members of these groups believe that they have a special connection with owls and that the birds can provide guidance and protection.

Owl Meanings to Different Tribes

Different Native American tribes have different meanings and associations with owls. For example, the Hopi see owls as symbols of death and destruction, while the Ojibwa see them as symbols of protection and healing.

A Eurasian Eagle Owl perched in a tree.
Photo by cmonphotography: https://www.pexels.com/photo/selective-focus-photography-of-owl-perched-on-twigs-1904354/

Owl Spirit Animal

The owl has long been regarded as a powerful and mysterious creature in many cultures worldwide. Many people believe that the owl is a spiritual messenger, bringing important messages and guidance to those who seek it. As a spirit animal, the owl is believed to represent wisdom, intuition, and spiritual insight.

What is the Spiritual Meaning of the Owl?

The spiritual meaning of the owl varies across cultures, but in general, it is associated with intuition, wisdom, and the ability to see beyond the surface.

The owl is seen as a spiritual guide and messenger that can provide insight and guidance to those who seek it. In some cultures, the owl is also associated with death and transformation.

What Does it Mean When You See an Owl?

Seeing an owl is believed to be a powerful spiritual experience. It can represent a message from the spiritual realm or a sign of spiritual growth and transformation. The meaning of seeing an owl can vary depending on the context and the person’s own spiritual beliefs.

An Owl Who Crossed My Path

When an owl crosses your path, it is believed to be a significant spiritual experience. Some people believe that it is a sign that you are being called to embrace your spiritual path or to pay attention to your intuition and inner wisdom.

How Do You Know if the Owl is Your Spirit Animal?

If you feel a strong connection to the owl, it may be your spirit animal. You may find that you have a natural affinity for the qualities that the owl represents, such as wisdom, intuition, and spiritual insight.

Paying attention to your dreams and other spiritual experiences can also help you determine if the owl is your spirit animal.

Owl Power Animal

As a power animal, the owl is believed to provide guidance, wisdom, and protection. It can also help you develop your intuition and spiritual insight, and help you navigate through challenging times in your life.

Owl Totem Animal

As a totem animal, the owl is believed to represent a particular aspect of your personality or life. It can provide insight into your strengths, weaknesses, and potential for growth and transformation.

Owl Dream Meaning

Dreaming of an owl can be a powerful spiritual experience. It is believed to represent intuition, wisdom, and spiritual guidance. The meaning of an owl dream can vary depending on the context and the person’s own spiritual beliefs.

Owl Tattoo

Owl tattoos are a popular way to express a connection to the spiritual realm and the qualities that the owl represents. They can symbolize wisdom, intuition, and spiritual insight, as well as transformation and growth.

Organizations that Protect Owls

Many organizations around the world work to protect owls and their habitats. They recognize the importance of these creatures in maintaining the balance of the natural world and seek to promote conservation and awareness of owl species.

By supporting these organizations, individuals can help protect and preserve these powerful and mysterious creatures for future generations.

An owl perched in a tree searching for food.
Photo by Олег Яковлев: https://www.pexels.com/photo/owl-perched-on-a-tree-7011098/

Owl Symbolism in Different Cultures and Religions

Owls have held significant symbolic value across cultures and religions throughout history. Here are some examples:

African Culture and Owl Symbolism

In African cultures, the owl is often associated with death and darkness. However, in some communities, it is believed that the owl possesses powerful protective abilities.

Owl Symbolism in Biblical Christianity

In Christianity, the owl is considered an unclean bird and often associated with darkness and evil. In some passages of the Bible, the owl is also referred to as a symbol of desolation and loneliness.

Chinese Owl Symbolism

The Chinese consider the owl as a representation of fortune and abundance. It is believed that the owl brings wealth and success to those who encounter it.

Owl Symbolism in Celtic Culture

In Celtic culture, the owl is associated with wisdom, intuition, and foresight. The owl was often depicted accompanying the goddess Cailleach, who is associated with winter, death, and renewal.

Egyptian Owl Symbolism

In Ancient Egypt, the owl was associated with illness, malevolence, and mortality.

Owl Symbols in Greek Culture

In Greek mythology, the owl was associated with Athena, the goddess of wisdom and warfare. The owl was often depicted on Athenian coins and was believed to be a symbol of knowledge and protection.

Hindu Culture and Owl Symbolism

In Hindu culture, the owl is associated with the goddess Lakshmi, who represents prosperity, wealth, and abundance. The owl is believed to bring good fortune and prosperity to those who encounter it.

Native American Owl Symbolism

In Native American cultures, the owl is often seen as a symbol of wisdom, foresight, and mystery. Different tribes had varying beliefs about owls, with some seeing them as messengers from the spirit world.

Owl Symbols in Norse Paganism

In Norse mythology, the owl was associated with the goddess Freya, who represented love, fertility, and beauty. The owl was believed to be a symbol of wisdom, intuition, and the ability to see what others cannot.

Owl Symbolism and Roman Culture

In Ancient Rome, the owl was associated with the goddess Minerva, who represented wisdom, art, and strategy. The owl was often depicted on Roman coins and was believed to be a symbol of intelligence and protection.

A long-eared owl.
Image by Kevin from Pixabay

Owl Color Meanings

Owls come in various colors, and each color has its unique symbolism. Here are some of the meanings associated with white, black, and gray owls.

White Owls

The color white is frequently linked with notions of purity, innocence, and spirituality. White owls are believed to symbolize the pure and spiritual aspects of life. They also represent wisdom, knowledge, and enlightenment. In some cultures, white owls are considered to be symbols of good luck and prosperity.

Black Owls

The color black is frequently linked with obscurity, enigma, and unfamiliarity. Black owls are believed to represent the hidden aspects of life and the mysteries of the universe. They also symbolize death and rebirth and are associated with the underworld. In some cultures, black owls are considered to be omens of bad luck and misfortune.

Gray Owls

Gray is commonly linked with impartiality, equilibrium, and conciliation. Gray owls are believed to symbolize the balance between the light and dark aspects of life. They also represent wisdom, knowledge, and introspection. In some cultures, gray owls are considered to be symbols of peace and harmony.

Blue Owls

Blue Owl meaning refers to the symbolism of wisdom, intuition, and spiritual insight. It is believed that a blue owl sighting may signify the need to trust your inner voice and be open to receiving guidance from your higher self or the universe. Blue owls may also represent the importance of mental clarity and communication in your life.

*Different species of owls may have different coloration, which may carry symbolic meaning in certain cultures or spiritual traditions. For example, the barred owl has brown and white feathers that may symbolize grounding and balance.

A Northern Hawk Owl perched on a platform.
Image by Erik Karits from Pixabay

6 Spiritual Meanings for the Owl

Owls have been revered for centuries in many cultures as symbols of wisdom, intelligence, and mystery. Besides their physical attributes, owls also possess significant spiritual symbolism. Here are six spiritual meanings associated with owls:

Death or Change

Owls are often associated with death or change due to their nocturnal nature and ability to see through darkness. In some cultures, owls are seen as psychopomps, or guides that usher souls into the afterlife. Therefore, the appearance of an owl could be interpreted as a sign of an impending change or an end of a phase in one’s life.

Messages from People and/or Pets Who Have Passed Away

Many people believe that owls are messengers from the afterlife. In some cultures, they are thought to be the spirits of deceased loved ones or pets. If an owl appears to you repeatedly, it could be a sign that someone from the other side is trying to communicate with you.

Wisdom Through Hardship

Owls are often seen as symbols of wisdom and knowledge due to their intelligence and ability to see things that others cannot. They are also known for their perseverance and resilience in harsh environments. Seeing an owl during a difficult time could be a sign that wisdom and strength can be gained through hardship.

Decisions to Be Made

In some cultures, owls are seen as symbols of decision-making and wisdom. The appearance of an owl may indicate that you need to make a decision or that you need to seek guidance in making an important choice.

Renewal or New Beginnings

Owls are also associated with renewal and new beginnings. This is partly due to their ability to adapt to their environment and their regenerative powers. The appearance of an owl could signify a fresh start or a new chapter in life.

Connection with Intuition

Owls are creatures of the night and are often associated with the moon and the feminine energy. They are also known for their acute senses and their ability to perceive things that are not readily visible. Seeing an owl could be a sign that you need to trust your intuition and listen to your inner voice.

A snowy owl
Image by sharkolot from Pixabay

If They’re Appearing in Your Dreams

For centuries, people have believed that dreams hold significant meanings and can provide insights into their subconscious mind. Owls appearing in your dreams can have various interpretations based on the context and personal experiences of the dreamer.

One possible interpretation of dreaming about owls is that they represent wisdom and intuition. Perhaps your dream is trying to tell you to trust your instincts or make more thoughtful decisions.

Another interpretation could be that owls symbolize death or change, indicating that a major transition or transformation is coming.

If you keep seeing owls in your dreams and are unsure of what they could mean, it may be helpful to keep a dream journal to record the details and emotions of each dream.

This can help you identify patterns and gain a better understanding of your subconscious thoughts and feelings.

What to Do if You Keep Seeing Owls in Your Dreams

If you keep seeing owls in your waking life or dreams, it is essential to pay attention to your intuition and instincts. Trust your inner voice and make decisions based on what feels right to you. You may also want to research owl symbolism and explore different cultures and beliefs to gain a deeper understanding of their meanings.

If you feel a strong connection to owls, you may consider incorporating them into your life as a totem or spirit animal. This could involve displaying owl imagery in your home or wearing owl jewelry as a symbol of guidance and protection.

Ultimately, the best way to understand owl symbolism and its significance in your life is to stay open-minded and receptive to the messages they bring.

By embracing their wisdom and intuitive nature, you can unlock new levels of insight and understanding in your personal journey.

Meaning of owls in dreams:

White owlWisdom, spiritual insight, intuition
Black owlFear, mystery, the unknown
Gray owlIndecision, neutrality, blending in
Flying owlFreedom, transition, change
Hooting owlWarning, guidance, secrets revealed
Owls attackingThreat, fear, vulnerability
Owls nestingHome life, nurturing, family
Dead owlEndings, transformation, rebirth
Multiple owlsDiverse perspectives, multiple opportunities
Speaking owlCommunication, receiving messages
Owl eyesObservant, wise, all-seeing
OwletChild-like innocence, new beginnings
Owl featherSoftness, protection, guidance
An owl flying through the forest.
Photo by Aliaksandr Shyliayeu: https://www.pexels.com/photo/owl-flying-in-green-forest-4544891/

Owl Tattoo Meaning

Owl tattoos have been around for a long time and continue to be popular. They are often chosen for their symbolism, which is both varied and meaningful. Here are some common meanings associated with owl tattoos.

Symbolic Meaning of Owl Tattoos:

  • Wisdom and Knowledge: Owls are commonly linked to the concepts of wisdom and knowledge. They are thought to have the ability to see beyond what is visible to the naked eye, and to be able to uncover secrets and hidden truths.
  • Mystery and Magic: Owls are often linked with enigma and enchantment. They are seen as powerful creatures that possess magical abilities and can bring good luck to those who believe in them.
  • Protection and Guidance: Owls are often seen as protectors and guides. They are thought to be able to protect their owners from harm and to guide them through difficult times.
  • Freedom and Independence: Owls are known for their independence and freedom. They are often seen as symbols of freedom and are chosen by those who value their independence and self-reliance.
  • Transformation and Change: Owls are often associated with transformation and change. They are seen as creatures that can help their owners transform and change their lives for the better.
Owl with Open WingsFreedom, protection, and independence
Owl with Closed WingsMystery, magic, and secrets
Owl with Crescent MoonTransformation and change
Owl with SkullDeath and rebirth
Owl with HourglassTime, wisdom, and knowledge
Owl with TreeWisdom, protection, and guidance


In conclusion, owl symbolism has been present in various cultures and religions throughout history, representing a wide range of meanings, including wisdom, protection, transformation, and death. Owls have also been associated with intuition, independence, and the ability to see from all perspectives.

Whether you encounter an owl in your dreams, in nature, or in symbolic form, it’s worth taking a moment to reflect on the potential messages it may hold. Owls can serve as powerful spirit animals and totems, guiding us through life’s challenges and transitions.


  • Vince S

    Meet Vince, the passionate founder and author of Learn Bird Watching, boasting 30 years of birding experience. With an unwavering mission to empower fellow bird enthusiasts, Vince shares invaluable wisdom and guidance. As a dedicated moderator and contributor to Quora's Bird Watchers' Club, he actively engages with the birding community, where his insightful answers have garnered over 440,000 views and over 2,670 upvotes. Whether you're a budding birder or a seasoned avian aficionado, his wealth of knowledge is at your service.

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