Dodo Bird

26 Remarkable Facts About The Dodo Bird You Can’t Miss!

We’ve pulled together a list of interesting facts about this now-extinct species that may tell you more about how and why the dodo is extinct. The dodo bird was once a large, clumsy flightless creature that roamed the island of Mauritius, an island off the eastern coast of Africa. This article will discuss 26 interesting facts about the dodo bird and information about this animal. 

Dodo Bird (Overview)

  • Identification: The Dodo Bird is a big and clumsy creature, that is approximately 3 feet tall, with brownish-gray downy feathers, a big gray featherless head, and a black bill with a reddish tip. They also have yellow feet and tufted white plume tail feathers.​​​​​​​
  • Length: 3.3 ft. (1 meter)
  • Weight: 23-39 pounds
  • Wingspan: 2.0 ft.
  • Order: Columbiformes
  • Family: Columbidae
  • Sub Family: Raphinae
  • Genus: Raphus
  • Scientific Name: Raphus cucullatus
  • Population: Extinct 1681 est.
  • Range: Mainly Mauritius, and other islands nearby like Reunion Island and Rodrigues Island. 
  • Habitat: Coastal areas or dense forests.
  • Diet: Fruits, seeds, berries, leaves, and invertebrates.

Facts About The Dodo Bird

The dodo bird was originally from Mauritius.

The dodo bird was originally from Mauritius. They are flightless birds that lived on the island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean, east of Madagascar. Mauritius is an island off the coast of Africa. 

The last known sighting of a dodo was on December 3rd, 1662.

The last known sighting of a dodo bird was on December 3rd, 1662. This is the only recorded sighting in Europe and the West Indies. This has led to speculation that the dodo had been exterminated by humans within about one hundred years after its discovery. It is also possible that European sailors and explorers may have hunted these birds to extinction for food during their explorations of new lands.

The dodo is actually a close relative to the pigeon.

The dodo is actually a close relative to the pigeon, and it’s thought that they both descended from a type of greater pigeon. 

The dodo bird had three toes on each foot.

The Dodo Bird had three toes on each foot, which were covered with sharp claws for defense against predators.​​​​​​​

Dutch sailors arrived and hunted Dodos.

Dutch sailors arrived and hunted them to extinction. The sailors arrived at Mauritius in 1598, where they promptly hunted the dodo to extinction. In just over a century, this bird had gone from being an abundant species of large animal that was only sparsely distributed across the island to one that could not be found anywhere at all.

The Dutch were followed by settlers who also ate dodos for food until none remained.  Dutch sailors enjoyed hunting them because they were easy prey since they did not fly or run fast. Authorities tried to protect the bird, but it was no use, it was too late.

The Dodo was a flightless bird.

The dodo was a flightless bird. It could not fly, but it had long wings that helped it to run and hop around on the ground. The dodo used its large beak to defend itself against predators and for gathering food.​​​​​​​

Dodo birds were friendly, sociable creatures.

The extinction of the dodo bird is attributed in part to the fact that they were so naive that they did not fear humans, and even allowed themselves to be captured by approaching sailors with their hands outstretched. This meant that people could easily hunt them for food or capture them as pets without a struggle.​​​​​​​

Humans and invasive species likely contributed to their extinction.

The dodo is a bird species that went extinct over 300 years ago. Many people believe that humans contributed to their extinction, but it is not clear how much of an impact we had on the dodo’s extinction.

Some people think that human encroachment on Mauritius as well as invasive species contributed significantly to their extinction. Moreover, overhunting and habitat destruction probably also played a role in their demise.​​​​​​​

The last living specimen was held at Oxford University’s Museum.

The last known living specimen of the dodo bird was held at Oxford University’s Museum of Natural History up until its destruction during the Second World War. The museum had received a stuffed specimen from Captain Thomas James, who may have been one of the last people to see a living dodo.

In 1693, Sir Hans Sloane obtained and displayed a rare specimen of an extinct bird in his museum: “The Dodou.” He named it after he encountered it on Mauritius , which is a small island in the Indian Ocean.

Alice in Wonderland Movie Features Dodo Birds.

In the 2016 movie Alice Through the Looking Glass, there is a scene in which Alice and the Red Queen are playing cards with living dodo birds. The live birds were actually made out of gingerbread! The red queen (played by Helena Bonham Carter) had a plate full of gingerbread men and birdies, which she would pick up one at a time to play against Alice.

When one card is lost or played, the person holding the card grabs a live bird out of the pile and tosses it into a small oven. When Alice asks what she’s doing, the Queen responds that “I’m baking.” There is no way to know if Disney will use this technique again in any future films or television series, but these gingerbread dodo birds make for one memorable scene!

The Simpsons Tries to Solve the Case of the Dodo Bird.

The Simpsons is a popular animated television show that has been running for 33 years. The show often tackles serious topics, such as politics and religion, in a satirical way. In the episode “The Great Louse Detective,” Homer Simpson helps solve the murder of a man by identifying him with his fingerprint on a louse egg found at the crime scene.

One of the suspects is not human, but instead an extinct bird called the dodo bird (Dodo). Bart tries to help his dad solve this case, but he doesn’t listen when the others tell him that it couldn’t have been the dodo bird because it is extinct.​​​​​​​

The Dodo was very fat because of Its tail oil glands.

The dodo was considered very fat because of its tail oil glands. Dodos had large oil glands near their tail, which would have made them float in water. They used this to aid them when they were unable to fly away from predators on the ground, and it also helped keep their feathers water-repellant.

The dodo bird was a monogamous species.

The dodo bird was thought to be a monogamous species of bird. They mate for life and show a high level of parental care. Dodos are so protective that they would attack potential predators in order to protect their offspring or their partner’s offspring.


  • Vince S

    Meet Vince, the passionate founder and author of Learn Bird Watching, boasting 30 years of birding experience. With an unwavering mission to empower fellow bird enthusiasts, Vince shares invaluable wisdom and guidance. As a dedicated moderator and contributor to Quora's Bird Watchers' Club, he actively engages with the birding community, where his insightful answers have garnered over 571,082 views and over 2,725 upvotes. Whether you're a budding birder or a seasoned avian aficionado, his wealth of knowledge is at your service.

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